Based on the successful WIESER developments and designs, VIRO EPS-SYSTEMS machines are designed and built for high availability, a broad performance spectrum, minimum maintenance and low energy consumption.
You can choose from a large variety of solutions with advanced technology for fully automatic production, according to your specific requirements.
More than 50 years of experience in industrial manufacturing high quality machines make VIRO EPS-SYSTEMS a trusted and reliable partner for EPS converters all over the world.
Purchase and installation of a solar power plant:
The project to build a new 175.9 kW solar power plant is co-financed in the amount of EUR 32,680.36 from the public tender program "JR SE OVE 2021". With the introduction of a new solar power plant, we will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 96.36 t/year. OP EKP 2014-2020; Priority axis: "Sustainable use and production of energy and smart grids", Priority investment "Promoting the production and distribution of energy originating from renewable sources." JR designation: JR SE OVE 2021. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the Cohesion Fund (
Nakup in vgradnja sončne elektrarne:
Projekt izgradnje nove 175,9 kW sončne elektrarne je sofinanciran v znesku 32.680,36 EUR iz programa javnega razpisa »JR SE OVE 2021«. Z uvedbo nove sončne elektrarne bomo zmanjšali emisije ogljikovega dioksida za 96,36 t/letno. OP EKP 2014-2020; Prednostna os: »Trajnostna raba in proizvodnja energije in pametna omrežja«, Prednostna naložba »Spodbujanje proizvodnje in distribucije energije, ki izvira iz obnovljivih virov.« Oznaka JR: JR SE OVE 2021. Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Kohezijskega sklada (